Spirituality, Mental Health & Well Being

Amid the unknown of the current pandemic, we are all struggling to find our way in the “safer at home” directives. While many people have been able to settle in to their new routines, this is not the case for everyone.  As a therapist, I have heard countless reports of people feeling overwhelmed, stressed, lonely or even hopeless. Even for those who have settled in quite effortlessly there may still be a yearning for more.

In these times I am reminded of the importance of people’s connection to something bigger than themselves. It helps us remember we are not alone and we  have more support than we may realize.  

Common questions we ask in supporting clients at Intuitive Healing Journey are:

“How do you identify religiously or spiritually?”

“What do you connect with that is bigger than yourself?”

“What practices bring you comfort, peace  or hope?”

In asking these questions, I don’t have any expectations of what the answer “should be.” I have heard many answers to the second question over the years….God, Buddha, Spirit, Nature, the Universe, Higher Self, Ancestors, Angels or a love for humanity are some of the common ones.   I have also heard “I’m not quite sure yet” often enough. Even not being sure puts a person in the exploration phase of what is out there or speaks of an openness that can leave room for miracles.

In my work with individuals of all ages I have found that Spirituality is a core component in mental health and wellness. This statement may feel controversial but, in my experience, a person who has experienced significant trauma or pain and shut themselves off to the idea of something bigger than themselves even existing is suffering with a spiritual wound. 

Sometimes this wound is inflicted by outdated or rigid religion or church experiences. Our connection to something bigger than ourselves can very well happen within a church or church community but it can really happen anywhere.

Exploring or strengthening our own spirituality through spiritual practices can be a profound source of healing and support for overall health and well being but even more specifically for depression, anxiety, and even trauma.

At Intuitive Healing Journey, we respect all beliefs. 

In fact, we know there are so many religions and forms of spirituality so that people can find the right fit for them. Sometimes we have grown up in a particular religion and feel very connected to some aspects or teachings from it and can feel disconnected from other parts of it. We encourage everyone to take the pieces of anything they have learned on their journey that deeply resonates with them and keep it and leave the other parts behind in exploration of creating a practice that helps them feel whole.

The particularly vulnerable times that we are in are a perfect time to further explore this very personal and instrumental aspect of the human experience.

If you would like to explore together, please join us at our upcoming virtual gathering:

Spiritual Development Group: Starts Monday January 25th | 7:00-9:00 pm (Group runs for 6 months, Pricing varies)


What is an Integrated Session?


Mother Earth Heals