Empath Group

Want to learn how to manage your Superpowers? This group is for highly sensitive people and empaths.

Does this sound like you?

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the energy in an environment or a person?

Do you come back from work or time with family or friends, feeling drained?

Are you particularly sensitive loud noises, certain scents or visual images (like violent movies or the news)?

Can the negative feelings or experiences of others weigh on you heavily?
Do your friends and family often tell you you’re too sensitive?

Believe it or not, to be considered a sensitive person is a gift - when you learn to manage it.

People who have completed this group leave feeling:

-More supported

-More refreshed and positive about their life

-Like they know how to set healthy energetic boundaries even with friends, family and work

-A better understanding of how to take care of themselves and protect themselves from harsh energies

-Connected to a community who understand their unique experiences

-Empowered to use their sensitivities to help others if and when they choose

Starting Monday, October 19th, 7:30 pm - 8:45 pm (Virtual Meetings)
This group runs every Monday for 9 weeks.

$40 per single session | $320 for 9 sessions

Click here to reserve your spot in the group.